Advanced React
@adevnadia: Finally released the website for the "Advanced React" book that I'm writing. Approximate release date:
* 1st of August for the ebook
* 2-3 weeks after that for paperback/hardcover versions.
Next stop: set up a payment system. So much fun with those 😅
1. Intro to Re-renders
2. Re-renders with Elements and Children as props
3. Elements as props for configuration concerns
4. Advanced configuration concerns with render props
5. Memoization, useMemo and useCallback
6. Reconciliation deep dive
7. Higher-Order Components in modern world
8. React Context and performance
9. Advanced UI access with Refs
10. Refs for storing values
11. Implementing advanced debouncing and throttling with Refs
12. Flickering UI and useLayoutEffect
13. React Portals and why do we need them
14. Data fetching on the client and performance
15. Data fetching and race conditions
16. Universal error handling in React